The Green Hope Colombia Fund


JIW Indigenous School - Community Barrancón - Site Barranco Colorado and Mocuare. Guaviare, Amazon Forest.


The Foundation ARCA DE AMOR, began in 2020 with some resources to built the JIW Indigenous School.



This project is developed with the support of JIW Indigenous Community, that are located in "Barrancón", Barranco Colorado and Mocuare, in the East side of San José del Guaviare city.



The idea of the project, is with all supporters, to accomplish and build this Indigenous School that is very important to preserve the tradition, language and life of JIW Indigenous Community. All NGO´s, Private Corporations, Government and Civil Society are welcome to join this project.


The Foundation Green Hope Colombia (GHC); decided to support from 2022 to achieve this dream of JIW Indigenous Community. We began to contact important corporations in Colombia and around the world.


Pictures Project JIW - FADA - GHC



JIW Indigenous Community.


The JIW Indigenous Community are located in Meta Department and Guaviare. They speak Mitua language, and share with other Indigenous Groups such as Sikuani, Kuiva and Macaguane that belong to the linguistic family of Guahibo with different culture and traditional practices.



Pictures Project JIW - FADA - GHC


Actually they are living along Guaviare River. Here, were is the JIW School Project are 115 indigenous people with 68 children.


November - First Week:


Pictures Project JIW - AWS - FADA - GHC


November - Second Week:


Pictures Project JIW - AWS - FADA - GHC



November - Third Week:



Pictures Project JIW - AWS - FADA - GHC


























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Floor Plans and School Layout.







Donation Achieved to build in 2023.




The Foundation Green Hope Colombia (GHC); was looking for support and donor in Colombia and around the world. In May of 2023 was contacted by AWS subsidiary of AMAZON.



We showed this project, to build this JIW School and we participated in the AWS ID&E Innovation Fund Campaign, after some months, we won between different projects that were involved in this campaign around the world.






The Foundation Green Hope Colombia (GHC) want to show their compromise in the protection of the Biodiversity, love and dedication to support the Amazon Indigenous Communities in Colombia and other forests in the world.




Let´s Build, October - November 2023:



October - Last Week:




We began in October with all dedication and enthusiasm, the building of this beautiful project in the Amazon Forest in Colombia.


Thank you AWS, Green Hope Colombia (GHC) and Arca de Amor (FADA) for your support.


SOON.... more about the projet :)


Pictures Project JIW - AWS - FADA - GHC



November - Fourth Week:



Pictures Project JIW - AWS - FADA - GHC



December - First Week:



Pictures Project JIW - AWS - FADA - GHC




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Green Hope Colombia Foundation is a Non - Profit Organization & Non - Governmental Organization.


GreenHope Mexico Foundation is a Non - Profit Organization & Non - Governmental Organization.
Civil Assosiation (A.C)


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