The Green Hope Colombia Fund






The REform project is about UPCYCLING; is a new way, how to recycle a product. I this case we use second hand clothes in good shape to transform it in a good quality new clothe with ecologic value.

In REform we use clothes and textile materials to apply in new artistic and design creations. Give second hand use of clothing, and stop fast fashion.




Pictures Project REform - REuse





In REform we redesign the clothes, is great to make a change and being concious to make a REuse with less contamination.




Pictures Project REform



















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DONATE your Second Hand Clothes and pay less taxes.



The Green Hope Colombia Foundation, is looking for second hand clothes in good shape; please donate and we can give you a donation certificate and tax exemption paper of your donation.






In REform also, we design and create new fashion items such as handbags and eco bags; we really want stop clothing waste.




Pictures Project REform





Contact us and let´s make a better world.




If you are interested to make a clothes donation, please write us to whatsapp +57 310 247 7210.


Make a better world and remember...







Pictures Project REform



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Green Hope Colombia Foundation is a Non - Profit Organization & Non - Governmental Organization.


GreenHope Mexico Foundation is a Non - Profit Organization & Non - Governmental Organization.
Civil Assosiation (A.C)


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