The Green Hope Colombia Fund



Reforestation Project in ¨Montaña del Oso¨, (Bear´s Mountain), Bogotá´s East Hills with Vibrante Naturaleza and Green Hope Colombia






The Green Hope Colombia Foundation, made a Partnership with Vibrante Naturaleza to develop a reforestation project and forest restauration with native trees in the East Hills of North Bogotá.






This project is located North of Bogotá, close to Chía; in a Forest Reserve (The Green Hummingbird) COLIBRÍ VERDE, in the zone (Bear´s Mountain), Montaña del Oso.




Pictures Vibrante Naturaleza




In 30th December ofd 2021, the Colombian Government created the law 2173, to promote the reforestation and ecologic restauration with native trees, to create new forests and places of conservation.








This law, will help to create a better sustainable way of life; citizens, corporations and companies are invited to work together with local governments.




Pictures Vibrante Naturaleza



The Company Vibrante Naturaleza with RNT 174005 (Tourism Registration Number), develops different activities of environment and ecologic education; taking care of the ecosystem of East Hills of North of Bogotá.


We are just 30 minutes by car of Bogotá.







EcoTourism, reforestation and sustainable Project:





This project is about to offer different ecologic activities to citizens, families and corporations interested to promote and make the conservation of the Forests close to Bogotá.



Pictures Vibrante Naturaleza





Benefits to get involved and participate in this Ecologic Project:




This project has and unique experience and activities, such as:



Professionals in hiking and nature interpretation.

Reforestation of Native trees with seedplot certification.

Camping Zone with Security.
Bathrooms and Restaurant.
GPS of your tree reforested.
Medical Insurance.





Reforest with Companies .



Tax Exemption with reforestation.




You are welcome to participate in the Reforest with Companies, designed to offer you the opportunity to make the difference. With the donation of your company, not only will reforest a native tree... also, will contribute in a social responsability and will have a tax exemption with us.



Our project includes activities of reforestation, mountain and nature interpretation, also you will learn the importance to conserv the Andean Forest and Páramo close to Bogotá.


You can have the opportunity to reforest your tree :).

Create a link within you and nature.



This progam also, empower how to work together as a team work, making a better company with eco behaviour between your colleagues.


Join NOW and welcome to the positive change of you for the Planet.






Let´s GO! We are ready.







Vibrante Naturaleza
Claudia Marcela Poveda Pachón
Director y founder
Mobile: + 57 319 426 1718
E Mail:




Green Hope Colombia Foundation
Jorge R. Shigematsu
Director y founder
Mobile: + 57 310 247 7210
E Mail:







Partners .






















































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Activities - What to do:



1. Eco Trekking with amazing pathways.


2. Birdwatch.


3. Visit mountain waterfalls.


4. Camping and night trekking.


5. Photography and Astro Photography.


6. Meditation and Yoga in the mountain.


7. Native trees Reforestation.


8. Restaurant, healthy food, organic honey.




Pictures Vibrante Naturaleza




Who can join this project:



This project are designed for trekking groups, mountain bikers, schools, families, universities, photographers, artists, astronomy fans, biologists, etc. Just come and WELCOME!.




Pictures Vibrante Naturaleza




Besides, this project is certificated by Green Hope Colombia Foundation, with a certification of your donation and will have a tax exemption.




Pictures Vibrante Naturaleza




We are Pet Friendly:



Come with you pet, they are welcome, lets get connected with nature.




Pictures Vibrante Naturaleza







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Terms of Use


Green Hope Colombia Foundation is a Non - Profit Organization & Non - Governmental Organization.


GreenHope Mexico Foundation is a Non - Profit Organization & Non - Governmental Organization.
Civil Assosiation (A.C)


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