The Green Hope Colombia Fund



Women´s Circle Project



Why the Women´s Circle?


The project is developed in the Department of Amazonas, with the indigenous communities of San Martín de Amacayacu, Arara and San José km 6; working with the Tikuna and Uitoto ethnic groups.


In this project, are participating 175 women and children.


The indigenous communities where we develop this Women´s Circle, live from the activities of agriculture, fishing, hunting and handicrafts. The Ecotourism appears in the 80´s, when hotels began activities in the City of Leticia, and became as an alternative economic income.



Pictures GHC - FE - AFD - MDM - FR



The idea to do the Women´s Circle, began when Green Hope Colombia and ForestEver developing the Forestry Project for many years; had some talks with indigenous women working in the project, they wanted to make this circles and workshops to share knowledge and the importance of Women in the Amazon Forest.


When we had the first meetings, the women insisted to create an space and safe places to dialogue about their problems, they have been facing for years. Also to empower the tradition of the Amazon Women.


Also, they wanted to have our support to value their health, tradition and being recognized as healers and body protectors of life and knowledge.


The Green Hope Colombia Foundation and ForestEver, have the priority to protect and support indigenous communities and their relationship with nature and planet.





Contents of Women´s Circle.


I Workshop: Body, orchard, territory and women´s rights.

II Workshop:
Menstrual cycle, ovulation and sexuality.

III Workshop: Maternity.

IV Workshop: Traditional herbal medicine.

V Workshop: Traditional cuisine and ceramic.


Pictures GHC - FE - AFD - MDM - FR


Women´s Circle Goals.


1. Strengthen the health and well-being of women, respect the environment, reduce and stop domestic violence, improve the development of food and medicinal autonomy in the indigenous communities.


2. Know the women´s rights, children and indigenous communitieswith social justice and the defense of the territories in the Amazon Forest.

3. Reduce the garbage and trash in the indigenous communities and around their environment to protect the forests. Replace the traditional sanitary towels and baby diapers with reusable towels and diapers. Achieve environmental education, learning about the classification and separation of solid waste and garbage reduction.

4. Empower orchards and agriculture sustainable practices in the indigenous communities, to protect the forest and biodiversity.


5. Diversify the importance of food and diet governance in communities. We want to reforest 15.020 native trees, fruit trees, wood trees and palms.


6. Ceramic Workshops to preserve of the indigenous Ticuna´s culture, training 15 women artists in the Community of San Martín de Amacayacu. Also we want to revovery the tradition of using ceramic in the daily life of the indigenous people.




Pictures GHC - FE - AFD - MDM - FR






















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YEAR 2023




Workshops Women´s Body, Orchard, Territory, Menstruation, Sexuality, Maternity, Herbal Medicine, Ceramic and Traditional Cuisine.





1. Body, orchard, territory and women´s rights.




Pictures GHC - FE - AFD - MDM - FR




2. Menstrual cycle, ovulation, maternity and sexuality.




Pictures GHC - FE - AFD - MDM - FR




3. Traditional herbal medicine.


Pictures GHC - FE - AFD - MDM - FR




4. Ceramic.



Pictures GHC - FE - AFD - MDM - FR




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