The Green Hope Colombia Fund



Zimmer Biomet - Green Hope Colombia - Vibrante Naturaleza - Andrea Semillas



The reforestation project with native trees with ZIMMER BIOMET, was developed at Montaña del Oso, a civil forest reserve located North East mountains of Bogotá; this forest reserve is managed by Ecologists of Vibrante Naturaleza.





This project is conducted with Andrea Zamudio, she develops nature projects connecting people with plants, and she has a porject named Andrea Semillas; also Green Hope Colombia supporting this project despite it´s experience in developing restauration and reforestation projects in the Amazon Forest in Colombia.



Pictures Project GHC - Andrea Semillas - Vibrante Naturaleza




This project is supported by ZIMMER BIOMET, an international corporation leadership in medical technology, their corporate vision in nature and environment is to support NGO´s like Green Hope Colombia and Andrea Semillas to make concious the importance to look after and care our nature and planet.



We would like to thank to ZIMMER BIOMET, directors, leaders and workers being part of this important activity in our Country.



Pictures Project GHC - Andrea Semillas - Vibrante Naturaleza























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Native Trees:



We reforested 23 native trees, that are very important for the environment and biodiversity of the Mountain; these species are in danger of extinction and we need them for the survival of the ecosystem around of Bogotá City.



Pictures Project GHC - Andrea Semillas - Vibrante Naturaleza



Native trees reforested:



- Pino Romero (Retrophyllum Rospigliosii)

- Sangregado (Croton Draco)

- Mano de Oso (Oreopanax Bogotensis)





Company Donation to reforest trees:



The Foundation Green Hope Colombia; is looking to develop different social and environmental projects, not only in the Amazon forest. We count with the experience and confidence to achieve objectives of all the projects.


All donatios made by the companies to support the projects, will have from us a Tax Exemption certificate in Colombia.


Thank you ZIMMER BIOMET for your support, and being a leader and model to follow with more local and international corporations. Welcome and let´s work together to stop climate change and make a better planet.



Pictures Project GHC - Andrea Semillas - Vibrante Naturaleza



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Green Hope Colombia Foundation is a Non - Profit Organization & Non - Governmental Organization.


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